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  • Tagliatelle in Gorgonzola Sauce

  • Serves 4; calories per portion: 505

  • Ingredients

  • 1 oz./25g butter
    6oz./175g. Gorgonzola cheese
    ½ pt/ 200ml whipping cream
    2 tbsp dry white wine
    1 tbsp freshly chopped sage
    salt and ground b1ack pepper
    12oz./350g. tagliatelle

  • Method

  • To make the sauce, melt the butter in a large heavy-based Saucepan.
    Crumble in the cheese and stir over a gentle heat for 2-3 mins, or until melted. Pour in the cream and the wine, whisking vigorously as you do so
    . Stir in the sage, and then season to taste. Cook for 3-4 mins, or until the sauce thicken
    Remove from the heat. Cook the pasta in a large pan of lightly salted boiling water for 8-10 mins.
    Drain. Gently reheat the cheese sauce, whisking. Adjust seasoning to taste. Divide the pasta between four warmed serving bowls and top with sauce. Serve.

